
We make mechanical manifacturings especially for firms of the rail sector , thanks to the important experience developped in the turning of wheels and shafts an in the milling , for eletrical and oil industriers.
We are able to produce single pieces (prototypes) and big series the particulars can be completed with thermal and superficial treatments requested by the client.
The turning manufactured particulars can reach a maximum diameter of mm 1030 and a width of mm 3200 and in the milling , the maximum rides are mm 3300 x 2000 x 1800 , before beginning their production.
The different production processes are planned , performed and identified under a strict control , using measuring instruments and equipment , which are properly calibrated up to the next calibration date.
Manufactured or constructed articles are controlled qualitatively at every single step of the process , either the operator or the person in charge of the production , and at the end they are subjected to a final inspection by qualified staff in order to verify the compliance with the requirements.
It is also available a program of corrective actions for the non-compliances with a documented evidence of the effective replacement , which is made to eliminate the causes of nonconformities and also to prevent them from occurring again.
The machine tools are cleaned weekly , and if it cam be made a geometrical control with alignments , a control of mecanichal combinations and also a control of securities and anti-accident devices by filling a scheme.
The measuring instruments are calibrated by us with the aid of samples , which are certificated whenever they are used for the manufactures , and outside with scheduled basis ( see measuring instruments ).
The young and suitably qualified team , who is able to perform this job , has arleady attended training courses , and also knowledge courses for them in the near future to update and to improve their knowledge.